
New From Colbert: Buckle Up America, Pelosi's Moving Forward With the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/25/2019 2:24:01 am PDT

America, 2019 (and why Trump is President):

Reader Opinion: Theory of Evolution

There seems to be confusion on what a theory is. The theory of evolution does not make the theory of evolution a fact. All the existing collateral of what we know as fact that supports the theory of evolution does not make the theory of evolution a fact. It remains a theory until someone mathematically proves the theory, that is when it becomes a fact, in other words a Theorem.

There are all sorts of theories on different aspects of our Universe. […]

It is great to teach theories. But to teach them as fact is wrong, no matter how old the theory or how much collateral support there is for the theory.

It is not so great to limit the teaching of theories based on personal belief. Personally, I don’t think mankind will mathematically prove the theory of evolution or the theory of creationism. But if we are going to teach one we should also be teaching the other.

Jim McBreen
