
Sick Right-Wing Trolls Delight in Interfering With Mexico City Rescue Efforts

Eclectic Cyborg9/20/2017 3:12:50 pm PDT

Yesterday I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and a couple of his friends. At one point we started talking about healthcare and one of his buddies was all like “Yeah, I got insurance from where I work so this Obamacare stuff means nothing to me.”

I then explained to him that if Graham-Cassidy passes premiums would go up for all of us, even people with employer coverage as well as Insurers covering less across the board. He called me a liar and said all that would happen is poor people wouldn’t be able to pay for coverage anymore, which again, he doesn’t care about.

No matter what I tried he remained convinced his employer coverage would guarantee him no premium spikes and no denial of claims.

Afterwards, I questioned why my friend hung out with this other guy. Apparently they are old college buddies.