
Rachel Maddow roasts the GOP over government shutdown

lawhawk10/01/2013 11:35:37 am PDT

OMG: The veterans have stormed the mall… they’ve crossed the line. They’ve … wait, a couple of the usual suspects (including Bachmann) from Congress opened up the WWII memorial to veterans who had been scheduled to visit despite it, and all other NPS sites nationally closed due to the shutdown.

It makes for a great photo op, but not in the way that Bachmann and the rest of the GOP think.

It shows just how they’re screwing everyone, including those veterans (who get the federal TriCare health insurance) while fighting to prevent anyone from using Obamacare’s exchanges that offer up insurance policies provided by multiple insurers to people who were previously unable to afford them.

No, what those veterans should have done is stormed GOP offices in Congress demanding that they cut the crap and pass a clean budget.