
John Oliver Covers the Waterfront on Covid Vaccines

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈5/03/2021 12:31:24 pm PDT

re: #57 No Malarkey!

I watched episodes of the new season of The Handmaid’s Tale, and it got me thinking about what a real fascist America would be like if Trump regained power in 2025. The answer is, about the same, at first. We already treat poc like crap and let corporations get away with murder. It’s just that there would be no hope of it ever getting better, and things would gradually get worse, because the federal government would be broken and would never do anything to stop the decline as oligarchs pillage the country. Pretty much like Putin’s Russia.

It would be a setback, but there would still be hope of getting better. Nazi Germany is long gone, and Putin is getting old and sick.