
Randall Munroe (xkcd) Explains: What Would a Magnitude 15 Earthquake Be Like?

silverdolphin12/10/2023 5:22:53 pm PST

re: #52 Unabogie

I found the full crosstabs.

It’s not just conservatives. From these results, basically a large portion of people under 25 are holocaust deniers. That’s horrifying.

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First, because only 200 18-29 year olds took part in the poll (1/3 the number of those in the 45-65 group) the margin of error increases to over 7%. With only 200 people in that age group to represent 80 million of that age in the US, I think it is likely the numbers are off. I mean we are allowing 40 people (20% of 200) in the US to speak for 80,000,000 of that age. This low number may explain why some of their answers are all over the place. We need a larger poll of that group.

What is more horrifying to me is that 30% of that age group did not know if the Holocaust was a myth or not. Higher than any other group, although it is also high in the next youngest cohort. That indicates, to me, a failure of the education system. I think most people under 35 have never been effectively taught about WW2 and the Holocaust. They likely learn about it from online sources with lots of misinformation.