
What Right Wing Extremists?

MacDuff4/18/2009 10:08:41 am PDT

I think that what Charles has attempted to point out here is that there are “extremists” in every movement, from animal rights to environmentalism to religion to politics and just about every other ideology one can imagine.

A lot of us here (Charles included) have been asking Islam to recognize, expose and denounce the dangerous radicals in their midst; is it to much to ask that we, as conservatives, do the same? While I do not believe that fascism is a logical step from conservatism, there are nuts that will make that step nonetheless. The responsible response is to denounce them, not to deny that their muddled brains mutated a perfectly legitimate ideology to a motive for murder.

Instead of arguing left, right, and the degrees thereof, maybe we should all just come to a consensus that terrorism is terrorism and if it springs from our particular ideology, the response should be repudiation, not denial. Denial marginalizes all of us.