
Onion: Breaking News

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/09/2010 11:17:57 pm PST

re: #589 Cato the Elder

There’s one thing Rush and I can agree on. Talent is on loan from God.

I try to use whatever I have to excoriate and flay hypocrites and lascivious Vestal Virgins.

Rush? He uses his to pander and whore for money.

Any day now, any day now, I shall be vindicated.

Flay hypocrites and lascivious vestal virgins… How poetic ;)

I just excoriate them as the blind assholes they are.

Admit it, after reason is rejected, it simply feels good to beat some sense into the fools and jack asses. They won’t change. You can not reason with those who have rejected reason itself, but you can let them know that they are not special snowflakes and that no, their BS is not beloved by everyone.