
Rush Limbaugh Questions Oil Spill Timing

ausador4/30/2010 7:11:20 pm PDT

re: #593 windsagio

Your slip is showing :P

(seriously, isn’t there a 100 post guideline or somethin’?)

How about explaining what that is supposed to mean to anyone except you?

I realize this blog is apparently the only one you have time for, if it isn’t then I guess you have no life at all besides posting online. Still your idiotic attempts to use high school style “peer pressure” to run anyone you don’t like off of the site are comical.

Take a couple of steps back and a few deep breaths next time you feel like telling someone to flounce just so you might not have to read their horribly divergent posts anymore. What is it you are looking for, another daily KOS here? That sure seems to be your ultimate aim the way you go after anyone who has the balls to express any type of right leaning view on any topic.

It isn’t enough to just say they are wrong, or prove they are wrong, nope you want and need to run them “clean out of Dodge.” I hope you are happy with the site we have here once you have succeeded in eliminating all of those “evil” rightwing voices.

Your acting like a power drunk asshole, you got carried away at least a good month ago, and I wouldn’t say that just to screw with you, I’m saying it because, well, you are.