
Gorgeous Animated Short Film of the Day: 'Rocketboy'

Reality Based Steve12/31/2014 9:55:38 am PST

I love my nexus 7 tablet. It’s pretty much my goto device. I’ll sometimes carry my old Asus eeePC netbook if I want something I can do some photo editing on, or have things that are PC only. Of course I also have a 160 GB iPod classic, so I’m not exactly cruising the edge of the tech world.

How fare the lizards this day? I’m sitting at a Starbucks after a nice brisk 24 degree 2 mile walk to it. Tomorrow I head to Atlanta to dive with whale sharks at the a aquarium. Just found our that m moo cameras allowed in the tank ( for 50 bucks they will sell you advd of your dive). I’ll probably shoot as much of the second group from outside as possible, and call it good.