
New From Keith Olbermann: Which of Trump's Cronies Will Flip on Him First?

lawhawk3/27/2017 5:26:51 pm PDT

Trump cronies flipping on Trump only matters if the DOJ is actively pursuing a case and Sessions doesn’t muck things up.

Assuming that Sessions isn’t that idiotic (not a given), here’s my odds on cutting a deal and flipping:

Manafort: 2-1. This is a guy who is by definition a mercenary. He wont go down with the ship and will sell out to save himself.

Stone: no odds. This guy is an oddball and a full blown wackaloon. He’s made enough allegations that if sustained by actual evidence, would put him away for a long time. Cutting a deal might be in his best interest, but he’s not working with a full deck (or he’s playing crazy-brave all while cutting a deal before he gets sunk).

Pence: 8-1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. He’s probably thinking he’s far enough removed from Trump to not have to worry.

Jared 15-1: Doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong.

Ivanka 12-1: Complicit. It’s not just a perfume scent.

Bannon 5-1: Another mercenary, but he’s a true believer who might go down with the ship thinking he did nothing wrong.

Donny Trump no odds: Again, not the sharpest tool in the shed. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. He’ll fight whatever comes his way, even though he’ll go down with the ship. He’ll take the rest of the country with him. He’s that vain.

Giuliani: 10-1. He might be smart enough to understand the severity of his situation, but doesn’t think it’ll happen to him.

Tillerson: 7-5. Probably didn’t do anything criminal regarding the Trump-Russia stuff, but might cut a deal or turn state’s evidence. He’s got grandkids to think of.


Even though Sessions is Attorney General, he too could turn on Trump and give evidence to avoid a sticky situation. His odds are 18-1. Again, he might think he’ll avoid the worst of it, but the perjury business will dog him for the rest of his time in office.