
Jonathan Coulton: Today With Your Wife

Kragar2/27/2012 6:33:10 pm PST

Reformation Prayer Network worries that Michigan will become the 1st Islamic State in the US.

Michigan has suffered great economic hardship for many years due to foreign competition and costs of doing business. We have historically historically been an anti-Semitic state, and hold one of the largest population of Muslims outside of the Middle East. There seems to be an underlying agenda by Islam to have Michigan become the first Islamic state in America.

Michigan Primary Prayer Points

Let’s join together in a season of concerted prayer and fasting for a move of God that will advance our nation toward righteous government and the Biblical principles it was founded upon. In praying the following prayer points, please listen for any nuances, which the Holy Spirit may lead you in and agree with Him. These points are meant to be “prayer starters.”

• Declare that Godly men and women will be elected who carry a Biblical worldview and have moral integrity.
• Declare that our elected leaders will stand with Israel.
• Declare that our elected leaders will uphold traditional marriage and the sanctity of life.
• Declare our elected leaders will preserve our God-given Constitution.
• Cry out for the wind of awakening to come into this region.
• Cry out for revelation for the Church to see Michigan’s issues with Kingdom mindsets.
• Decree that Michigan will come into its Kingdom destiny.
• Decree the government of Michigan will shift and begin to make covenant decrees over the people.

How intercessors across the state can become involved:

• Commit to pray and fast as the Holy Spirit leads the week before the Michigan Primary.
• Be careful of your words—speak words of grace and faith. (Eph. 4:29)
• Familiarize your self with the prayer movement in Michigan.