
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Cannadian Club Akbar8/09/2011 2:48:34 am PDT

re: #607 Sergey Romanov

A bit of Text from the clip:
The model of media manipulation used then, Gore said, “was transported whole cloth into the climate debate. And some of the exact same people — I can go down a list of their names — are involved in this. And so what do they do? They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore exclaimed.

Linky here. (I have never heard of this paper)