
New Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump's Behavior Encourages White Supremacists

Blind Frog Belly White10/29/2018 12:16:49 pm PDT

re: #51 KGxvi

The divide has always been there, I think. Some educated whites have always been sympathetic to uneducated whites; some have cynically used them for power.

Given how much things have changed in the last 20 years (in technology, in demographics, and in the culture wars), Iā€™m not sure the divide wouldnā€™t have grown even without Trump. During the pre-Civil War era and then during Jim Crow, poor/uneducated white people could look at minorities and say ā€œwell, at least Iā€™m better off than them.ā€ It was changing slowly, but in the last 20 years or so, the change sped up. Trump has focused the rage and resentment, heā€™s distilled it in populism, but I do believe if it wasnā€™t him, itā€™d be someone else carrying the Pat Buchannan Honorary Tiki Torch of White Nationalism.

And to think, in 2000 Trump left the Reform party because of Bechannan and Dukeā€¦

I think without Trump, theyā€™d be far more restrained, and the divisions would not be as deep. Trump appealed to every single part of their pathology - not just racism, sexism, anti-intellectualism and xenophobia, but boiling resentment at being called out on their racism, sexism, anti-intellectualism and xenophobia. He told them that all the racist, sexist, anti-intellectual and xenophobic things they thought were not only not BAD, but that they werenā€™t racist, sexist, anti-intellectual and xenophobic.

They love him because he encourages and justifies every single bad impulse they have, and he didnā€™t speak in coded language. No other Republican leader would have done that, so no other Republican leader would have empowered them like that.