
And Now, Ze Frank's True Facts About the Lemur

EPR-radar2/22/2019 7:26:19 pm PST

re: #59 Renaissance_Man

It’s not just that. They are a large single tribe, but also historically the demographic that is ‘supposed’ to be the most important. It is also the tribe that all major media owners and editors appear to identify with.

I no longer believe that mainstream media in the US, by which I mean CNN, the NYT, and to a lesser extent all other major outlets, drive a Republican and white male-centric narrative out of fear of marginalisation. I think it is clearly evident that there is sufficient market to be had to foster a narrative about the people of colour and white liberals in the US that such media outlets would be even more successful if they chose to represent a more realistic America. But they choose not to - Sarah Kendzior, among others, has come to the same conclusion. They choose not to deliberately, and they choose not to in favour of pushing the same narrative and reinforcing the same worldview that FOX caricatures. And they do so specifically to create the narrative of white male supremacy, to create an American culture that they want, not one that actually exists or could exist.

IMO the media’s treatment of Occupy Wall Street is proof positive of this thesis. OWS was a threat to the existing order in America, and so it was hammered nearly without exception by all media players. Challenging the plutocracy is the one thing that is really forbidden in the US.

If Bernie Sanders gets the (D) nomination, we will see the same thing. Perhaps we have to have that battle, but I really would prefer it at a time when four more years of Trump isn’t the price of losing.