
The Rainiest Place on Earth (Or, How a Rainfall Simulator Saves Millions of Lives)

EPR-radar1/26/2024 8:47:20 pm PST

re: #60 Jay C

I think we’ll have to wait a bit to see on this point, but it’s still a Good Thing that President Biden has thrown down the challenge on the Republicans’ “border crisis” bullshit, and made it a “put up or shut up” moment for the House GOP (tho it’s obvious they really want to do neither)

I suspect the border deal is full of way too much centrist/rightwing bullshit, but I can’t imagine the House Republicans actually agreeing to anything, so there may be no damage from this proposal.

I sure hope the long term plan is to use the failure of this deal (assuming it falls through) as a PR weapon vs. Abbott prior to taking steps vs. his nullification.