
Wingnut Fail of the Day: Bill Ayers 'Admits' He Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Simply Sarah3/28/2011 12:13:34 pm PDT

re: #51 lawhawk

Speaking of batshit insane conspiracy theories, the WTC conspiracy theories continue popping up, and many of those who are proffering Obama birtherism are in on the trooferism.

They’re trying to differentiate themselves from the WTC was an inside job nonsense to claim that something was amiss at 7WTC, which collapsed later in the day.

Except that they have no evidence to speak of either.

See, what I’ve never understood about the 7WTC thing is, uh. why? At least the whole airplanes into the towers deal has something that remotely passes as a motive (An insane and tortured line of pseudologic, to be sure, but I can at least see room to shoehorn in a conspiracy there). But why would anything underhanded happen with another building that almost no one not on the ground there cared about at the time (Or since)? I just can’t see where you can even start down that path.