
Donald Trump Takes a Clear Side in the Bomb Attacks

lawhawk10/25/2018 12:46:34 pm PDT

re: #52 dangerman

trumps problem doesnt stem from ignorance

it’s from
- spouting known untruths with reckless disregard(what was called lying until a few hours ago)
- and spouting nonsense because hes’ to lazy to seek the truth first
that’s not ‘ignorance’. it’s playing fast and loose knowing full well what he’s doing

he is not inquisitive
he does not care what is ‘true’
he only cares about what he ‘says’

Trump’s problems start with his abject refusal to accept facts or logic and to substitute his own addled worldview and conspiracy mongering word salad instead.

He’s a liar and has always been one.

He’s a con artist and has always excelled at picking his marks. Currently, that means the GOP base, especially angry white guys who aren’t millionaires. His marks think that GOP policies favor them, when they really screw them in the long term (they ignore the basic math/logic). They think denying minorities their rights somehow improves their lot, all while the GOP seeks to gut the safety net, shift the burdens from millionaires to everyone else, and leave everyone but those with capacity to pay with the bill.