
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Hhar2/05/2009 3:01:10 am PST

(snip largely vacuous tripe)

You’re the one who seems to be crusading against every fucking thing around, be it religion, science, or philosophy. I have a funny feeling all you’re doing is trolling for lulz. Which, if true, is a cynical abuse of this site, and if that’s your drunken game (and I strongly suspect that it is), you would have to rise inestimably in my consideration to be deserving of my contempt.

That’s everything? Good heavens, your world is small. Anyhow, I don’t have to troll: all I have to do is be plain and straightforward, ask a few questions, laugh at obvious absurdities, and you go all loopy about Bushmen erections and your various emotional states, none of which are relevant. If that’s abuse on my part alone, well, I disagree. And: if you don’t like the conversation, instead of dribbling sexual innuendo all over the place, just opt out. I cannot make you say anything you do not want to.
