
Brad Mehldau Trio | Full Concert in Toulouse

Targetpractice7/23/2023 10:04:54 pm PDT

re: #44 silverdolphin

The producers are going to be destroyed because of the writers and actors working on the line together. My example - Frank Grillo and Joe Carnahan. They met on the set of The Grey (another fun movie) and groused about how nobody would make the movies they wanted to. So they formed their own production company and have made several movies. The best of which is Boss Level.streaming on Hulu.

The costs have dropped to much that a good B-movie can be made for $50 million, even with special effects. So why pay a producer money when the creative talent can do the production. There will be a lot more of these because the writer-actor-director will always be better than just a producer.

The flip side is that such a scenario actually helps the argument of the studios, that the resources being invested in modern productions is way in excess of what’s needed to produce a quality product and that the people on the picket line are overpaid prima donnas. Hence why they’re all popping boners over the promises of “AI,” as the holy grail of producing blockbuster productions without paying writers and actors is (at least in their minds) on the horizon. Why sign multi-year, tens/hundreds of billions contracts with flesh-and-blood staff who might be obsolete before the expiration date?