
New From The Lemon Twigs: "A Dream Is All I Know"

No Malarkey!3/17/2024 2:06:40 pm PDT

Something I have been thinking about since I saw a video about bonobos a couple of weeks ago. The last common ancestor of humans, bonobos and chimpanzees lived about 7 million years ago, and bonobos and chimps split from each other about 2 million years ago. Something chimps and humans have in common is that they often fight when a conflict arises and sometimes kill their fellow chimp or human. Bonobos have matriarchal societies, and when a conflict arises they fuck, in any combination you can imagine, instead of killing each other. So sometime in the last 2 million years bonobos got this figured out, and as humans try to creep towards what bonobos already know, the chimps among us fight like hell to stop it. That’s all; I just wish we could be bonobos instead of chimps.