
And Now, a Brilliant Animated Short: Agent 327 in "Operation Barbershop"

piratedan5/28/2017 2:29:39 am PDT

just idly wondering here…

okay, lets say that our worst fears are realized…

We find that not only are the actions of this President are found to be treasonous, but we also discover that the majority of his cabinet, his family and many among the leadership of the GOP are also involved, i.e. complicit or aiding and abetting said treason.

By treason, I am basing it on the findings of illegal acts of working for a foreign power. Failure to disclose those ties or exchange of quid pro quo of financial assistance in return for favorable policies that run counter to the best interests of the United States..

Say the same is true for VP Pence, AG Sessions, Chief of Staff Bannon, Presidential aide Kushner, NSA Flynn and those involved in the campaign (Manafort, Lewandoski, Guiliani, Christie, Stone, Page, etc)

Say we also find that the GOP leadership was also complicit in that they used intel provided illegally from a foreign power to get themselves elected and to fund their campaigns…

Who has the authority to charge and prosecute them?

Does it come from the associate AG who drafted Mueller since Sessions is recused (if not fucking guilty)?
Do we have to rely on a State prosecution, (Schneiderman in NY State) in order to prevent the President from pardoning the players before we get too far down the Fedearl route?

If following the money also leads us also to RW media, say Faux News and the NYT, what happens then?

Sorry, the potential scope of this is simply staggering and trying to calculate out the trajectory is frightening (as if what’s going on isn’t bad enough and the thoughts about what might happened in wounded mode aren’t any better)