
Seth Meyers on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Creepy Feud With NPR's Mary Louise Kelly

Targetpractice1/28/2020 9:36:16 pm PST

re: #64 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I mean there’s something unique about the Bidens that Trump and I would add Putin can’t stand. I know what it is for Putin. Biden was part of Obama’s administration and we know Putin hates Obama and Clinton. I really think Trump uniquely fears Biden as an opponent though.

I genuinely believe it was Trump being Trump, i.e. an impulsive idiot who got conned into doing someone else’s bidding, in this case a Ukrainian oligarch trying to avoid extradition on bribery charges. Rudy’s original job wasn’t even to look into the Bidens, it was to look into Crowdstrike and for “evidence” that Ukraine was responsible for the DNC hack. Firtash and/or his goons who floated the idea of looking into the Bidens and promised dirt on them if Rudy could convince his “client” to get the DOJ to drop the bribery charges.