
Midday Open Thread

HRH Stanley Sea12/30/2009 7:44:27 pm PST

I just went to Huffington Post and here are the comments there now:

I was on Twitter when I heard about this, and there are people that are actually happy about this. Look, I don’t like the guy at all, but I don’t wish ill health on anyone. I hope he has a speedy recovery, regardless of his politics.

Not a fan of Rush.
Not a fan of Rush’s politics.
Not a fan of Rush’s guests.
Not a fan of Rush’s show.

That being said, I hope he survives this. I do not wish death on anyone.

Well um. What’s that saying? If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all? I think that will apply to me in this post.

Queens hospital is one of the best in the Pacific. Good luck to a man with whom I frequently disagree.

As much as I despise Rush, I do not wish this for him and I hope he has a speedy recovery.

I don’t agree with anything Rush says, but I hope he comes out of it alright.

I am soooo ashamed of my first reaction to this news.

I hope he has a speedy recovery.