
WATCH LIVE: CPAC Pushes the Big Lie and Pandemic Denial

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)2/26/2021 11:42:37 am PST

Teh Stoopid is a feature, not a bug, with these people:

Many of the Telegram newcomers found that some of MAGAworld’s biggest stars had joined them. Donald Trump himself was on the app, amassing more than 200,000 followers within a few days. So was Melania Trump, posting herself to Telegram as “Lady Melania Trump.” Air Force General John Hyten joined the app and began issuing cryptic, QAnon-style pronouncements that thrilled believers eager to see President Joe Biden arrested and Trump returned to power.

Except all of the accounts, including the accounts representing both Trumps and Hyten, were fake. Many of them were later removed, or marked as scams on the app. Despite that, QAnon believers soon started taking the fake accounts’ pronouncements as genuine, as though they really were coming from the Trumps or Hyten.

Makes it to easy to exploit & fleece them.