
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow8/31/2009 7:25:59 am PDT

re: #638 Diego

If so much as one person, needless one child, dies due to lack of medical coverage then that is too many. If making a public insurance option can stop that then I’m for it. No one can prove to me that a public option will kill all private insurance in the country or that it is ‘socialized’ medicine. that is my belief, plainly stated.

And when someone fains indignation because I called his/her straw man argument such then the least I can do is offer then a band-aid for their injured pride. And a smile.

So, what if many people die because under the government plan, care is rationed? Or if treatments and medicine that could have saved them wasn’t developed because there was no profit in it, and the government didn’t fund it? Is that OK with you?
See what goes on in England and France before claiming a public system will save everyone.