
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/29/2009 8:11:50 am PDT

re: #665

So, that answers the “pavilion” question.
What about the other?

But your other isn’t a new question. It’s an example of the exact same issue:

Services provided by religious organizations can indeed be affected by lawsuits and decisions that require the organization to provide services against the organization’s beliefs.

Exactly. The religious organisations themselves, and religions, aren’t affected. They just can’t provide public services that discriminate.

So, a catholic church cant be forced to marry gay people….but if you work for a catholic hospital (or any organisation) and you have a gay spouse, then you can sue your employer (the hospital) if they won’t let you include your spouse on your health care coverage— if they let all the hetero employees cover their spouses on the work coverage.

See the difference?