
Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert: The Obama Administration is Full of Muslim Brotherhood Members

lawhawk4/26/2013 1:26:53 pm PDT

11+ years after 9/11, and they’re still finding body parts.

11+ years after 9/11, and they’re still finding parts from the planes that struck the WTC. Today, they found part of the landing gear wedged between two buildings not far from my office. In fact, it’s wedged between 51 Park Place and the building at 50 Murray Street.

If 51 Park sounds familiar, it’s because that was one of the buildings that its developers wanted to turn into a mosque and community center. And in an odd turn of events, reports this morning had indicated that the developer had bought another adjacent building on Park with the intention to turn the group of Park Place buildings into condos.