
The Ineffable Allen West: Democrats Try to Win Women's Votes by 'Talking From the Waist Down'

klys (maker of Silmarils)1/27/2014 2:07:38 pm PST

re: #65 Mattand

And speaking of Republicans just going for it regarding party-wide misogyny:

Scarborough: Lewinsky Could Be Fair Game If Hillary Bashes GOP With ‘War On Women’

Looks like Rand got the ball rolling and Morning Joe is falling in line.

“Your husband cheated on you, therefore you can’t criticize the GOP’s generally shitty attitude toward women.”

I really don’t know how anyone can vote Republican and look themselves in the mirror any more.

What goes unsaid there is “your husband cheated on you (and therefore you must be a shitty wife/woman) and therefore your criticisms on anyone else’s shitty attitudes towards women are invalid.” Because of course Bill wouldn’t have strayed if he was getting what he needed at home.
