
The Final Word on Jim Hoft's "Fractured Eye Socket" Hoax

Scottish Dragon11/24/2014 8:51:55 pm PST

re: #63 palomino

Cue the RW blaming this on Obama, since he said something about it. Doesn’t matter what he said, just that he said something that can be twisted to sound racist (if you’re a moron).

Some white paranoiacs will use this as a pretext to discuss the upcoming “race wars” or some other such nonsense. Fact is, the US hasn’t had a really big race riot in over 20 years…the last one was L.A. 1992 following the Rodney King verdict, which also involved excessive force used by white cops against an unarmed black man. Just like the ‘65 Watts riots…and several others. There’s a pattern here. Riots don’t occur in a vacuum. There’s a precursor—usually a violent, unjust act. Like in Ferguson, like with Rodney King, etc.

Not just one act. Just like in LA (where the police were engaging in borderline urban warfare against African Americans), Ferguson and St Louis have been building up to this with patterns of practice.