
What Right Wing Extremists?

Salamantis4/19/2009 2:53:09 pm PDT

re: #687 chipbennett

That’s exactly what I’ve been saying.

The neo-Nazis define themselves as adherents of a socialist political ideology.

But fascists are NATIONAL socialists, whereas communists are INTERNATIONAL socialists; see my posts # 613 and 614 for the historical and philosophocal roots of both. They are different strains of collectivism that are opposed to the moderate individualism of constitutional democracy. There is also such a thing as extreme individualism; it is called anarchism.

The bastardization of Christianity to which some of these white supremacist groups cling has nothing to do with genuine Christianity, and can in no way be said to have been borne out of genuine Christianity.

So, what exactly is your point?

Here you have completely missed my point in #686, and instead flee back to the No True Scotsman fallacy - in this case, the No True Christian fallacy.

The Editors of Christianity Today showed great moral courage and integrity in accepting the association of Third Reich German Christians with Nazism, and laboring to ensure that such an odious and execrable nexus would not be repeated; that same courage and integrity should be applied by all honest decent Christians of good faith and conscience to the contemporary mutant racist strands of Christianity which I mentioned - and to the Ku Klux Klan, too. After all, they did not hold crescent-burnings.