
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

ciaospirit1/31/2009 7:21:52 am PST

re: #663 Scion9

Although you could certainly read it that way, I’m not sure that is what he meant. I’m almost certain he was referring to the bonuses specifically. At least on this one, I’d have to agree with The One. If companies are holding out their hands for bailouts, and then turning around and rewarding their own failure after receiving one, it makes me skeptical that they aren’t just robbing their successful, taxpaying competitors (and millions of other Americans) that didn’t get a handout at all.

He specifically separated profits from bonuses. He’s wrong on both counts. He’s overstepping his power. He made Citibank give back a jet they had ordered before gov bailouts. Now what happens to the company that built that jet?

“There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses,” Obama said. “Now is not that time.”