
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

keloyd1/30/2010 7:50:15 pm PST

Science has never, and will never be free of political shenanigans. We didn’t think stuff was made out of atoms for 25 centuries because back in the day, Democritus* (whose theories stated stuff is made of atoms instead of some combination of earth, air, water, and fire) got mixed up with the secular humanists of his time - the Epicureans. Later on, Stoics took over, then Christians. They had no choice but to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

I’m not against Global Warming, but since when do Hollywood divas and Al Gore get it right? On any other subject, when have you heard the most fashionable, most hysterical of this group say something on any subject and thought to yourself, “yup! That’s exactly how it is!”

*from A History of Science from Antiquity to ___, by ____ Principe, as far as I can remember.