
Photo of the Day

NJDhockeyfan9/27/2011 10:14:58 am PDT

This is creepy…

Harvard’s Website Hacked by ‘Syrian Electronic Army’

Harvard University’s home page was hacked Monday morning by a group calling themselves the “Syrian Electronic Army.”

The hackers, sympathizers with the Syrian regime, replaced photos on the page with an image of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad with the tagline “Syrian Electronic Army Were Here.”

“The University’s homepage was compromised by an outside party this morning,” University spokesperson John D. Longbrake confirmed in a statement. “We took down the site for several hours in order to restore it. The attack appears to have been the work of a sophisticated individual or group.”

…“Do you support the war on Syria? If you are you, as well as the following Syria’s population of 23 million people. This means 23 million mobile bomb. Imagine what we could do.”