
Fantastic Four #52, July 1966: Introducing the Black Panther

Killgore Trout7/31/2010 8:16:45 am PDT

Drudge is linking to this today…
Will Washington’s Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?

The Internet is a large-scale version of the “Committees of Correspondence” that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington’s failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.

He (Obama) is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most “consequential” president ever.

The Wall Street Journal’s steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is “an alien in the White House.”
Opinion polls suggest that in the November mid-term elections, voters will replace the present Democratic majority in Congress with opposition Republicans — but that will not necessarily stop Obama.
A wounded rampaging president can do much damage — and, like Caesar, the evil he does will live long after he leaves office, whenever that may be.

The overgrown, un-pruned power of the presidency to reward, punish and intimidate may now be so overwhelming that his re-election in 2012 is already assured — Chicago-style.

Despite the usual revolutionary rhetoric wingnuts are now including more racial rhetoric. Since when is private property an exclusive “Anglo-Saxon” concept?