
Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

Orange Impostor5/27/2012 10:38:15 am PDT

re: #4 Kronocide

This really is indefensible after the faux outrage over SECupp’s photoshop which was in bad taste.

Riehl’s comment, not in bad taste. Sickenly misogynist and offensive.

Minor differences

There’s one other major difference between Flynt/Hustler magazine’s “parodies” and Riehl.
Flynt’s been doing this sort of thing for at least 30 years, and there is no ideological bent to his targets- he’s gone after EVERYBODY from all parts of the political/social spectrum with equal levels of distasteful vigor - and has never crossed the line to advocate violence against any of them, as evidenced by the famous Hustler v Fallwell US Supreme Court case - which Flynt won on an 8-0 vote.

The same cannot be said about Riehl, on any of these points.