
Democratic Party to Women: Your Rights Are Less Important Than Winning Elections

BlueGrl217/31/2017 11:37:14 am PDT

re: #54 Decatur Deb

I’m an old-style Dem. I’ll take help from any miserable motherfucker who will help with half my goals if the alternative is certain, and perhaps permanent, frustration of those goals.

I’m a Texas Dem. There is no other way to function and stay sane.

But I think the idea of a mystical pony Democrat that is pro-life but is with us on other issues is just not how things work today. Voting pro-life is a set of faith values. Which is why the party is changing the platform….so that candidates can adapt to the faith values of their constituents.

Again, I’m not in favor of ideological purity tests. We see hybrids like anti gun-control Democrats. But i just don’t see it when it comes to abortion rights.