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lawhawk3/31/2021 5:43:17 am PDT

Q has been looking in all the wrong places for that child sex trafficking ring all along. It was a mighty case of the projecting like IMAXes. They claimed that Democrats were involved, when it was really Trump, Trump buddies like Maxwell and Epstein, and now Gaetz.

Make no mistake here, we’re not talking about inappropriate sex. We’re not talking about nonconsensual sex.

We are talking rape.

The victim was underage. That means by law she cannot give consent. She was raped.

That means Gaetz is an alleged child rapist and child sex trafficker, and every last motherfucking article/headline needs to treat it as such. Use the proper words to describe his actions and the allegations. She was a child when these events occurred and that makes it illegal and rape.

And yeah, it puts all of his weird behaviors/actions around Nestor into question as well.