
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

iceweasel3/31/2010 12:47:32 pm PDT

re: #54 darthstar

This also is something that can’t be passed by reconciliation. There will be GOP votes, but only if they can add ‘killer’ amendments to the bill (banning gays from teaching, repealing the HCR bill as an amendment, etc.). These, of course, will get the Democrats to vote against the bill, and then they can claim that President Obama doesn’t even have the support of his own party.

Yep. I’m having problems with my internet connection but there’s an article over at the Plum Line regarding a statement from Kerry’s office about that. Kerry and Graham wanting to work together on climate legislation— foolishly optimistic, imo. There is no way the GOP is going to do anything other than obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.

Note to Obama: GOP Is Not Interested in Compromise

If this doesn’t prove the claims that the Republicans have been politically motivated to oppose everything the Democrats propose, nothing will. As an experiment, President Obama should endorse John Boehner for re-election in November. The House minority leader would probably vote for his challenger.