
Fantastic Four #52, July 1966: Introducing the Black Panther

Gus7/31/2010 8:22:34 am PDT

re: #697 Walter L. Newton

Despite the DOW closing higher then the beginning of the week, the job outlook grows dimmer…

“The nation’s economy has been growing for a year, with few new jobs to show for it. Now, with the government reporting a growth rate of just 2.4 percent in the second quarter and federal stimulus measures fading, the jobs outlook appears even more discouraging.”


The stock market is not always the best metric for what is actually happening on the street, to the everyday people who don’t have the money to gamble on wall street.

Well I guess we’ll all have to wait until the super-rich (and that includes financial institutions) in this country decide that it’s OK to start investing in business that would create jobs. Until then, I’m broke and they’re still living higher then the Kings of old England and the railroad magnates of yore.