
Photo of the Day

Birth Control Works9/27/2011 10:35:20 am PDT

re: #704 CuriousLurker

I think the Muslim support for the Palestinians has been a major problem for them especially after 9-11. CAIR, MAS, ISNA, etc have all been very supportive of the Palestinian cause have pretty all been at least somewhat supportive of terrorism. I think the universal support in the Muslim community has hurt them greatly.
They should learn from the Jewish community. There is a large degree of support for Israel but rarely results in support for terrorists (Kahanists, JDL, etc). There is also a wide variety of opinion about Israel, even many progressive secular Jews hate Israel. But at least the conversation is being had and I think that’s important. Muslims should be doing the same thing.


CAIR, MAS, ISNA statements ≠ universal support in the Muslim community

There is every bit as much latitude of opinion in the Muslim community as there is in any other community. I would think that should be obvious unless the assumption is that Muslims are so addle-brained by their religion that they’re unable to form independent opinions.

I try to base my opinions on my personal dealings with other human beings. I find most of the muslims I meet or work with to be regular people. Most are customers at the store at which I work. Some of the men seem a little strange —or uncomfortable in dealing with me. The women are cold at first, but after a few transactions are wonderful.

I don’t get any weird vibes or any indications that any of the “threat” stories are true.

Not that my experiences mean anything in the larger picture. It just makes it harder for me to take the scare rhetoric seriously.

People living in a totally white world have no frame of reference.