
Cap and Trade Pros and Cons

Ziggy6/29/2009 12:13:25 pm PDT
One major argument in favor of passing the climate bill is that it will make international climate negotiations in Copenhagen later this year easier. If the U.S. is leading on the issue, China and India could institute greenhouse gas curbs of their own.

Are they kidding? China and India could give a crap about the environment.
Let’s not forget the President admitted, during the campaign, that Crap and Trade will necessarily cause energy costs to sky rocket. Also, let’s not forget that climate change (formerly global warming, renamed because apparently the climate is NOT warming) is not “settled science”…by a long shot. This is yet another bill that no one can tell you exactly what’s in it. I guess we didn’t learn from TARP and the Stimulus Bill. Apparently, countries that already instituted Crap and Trade are now backing out of it because of it’s effect on the economy. They think we are so stupid. I fear they may be correct.