
Watch Live: The Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump, Day 9 - Senators Have Questions

Jay C1/29/2020 11:34:44 am PST

re: #52 Dr Lizardo

Thing is, if Trump were to literally stroke out (a major though non-lethal stroke) on live TV during one of those ridiculous rallies of his, Iā€™d think thereā€™d be no way the media could ignore it or sweep it under the rug. It would instantly become the hot issue of the day.

Though itā€™s not too hard to imagine the reaction of the RWMN in that scenario: a 24/7 orgy of lachrymose sentimentality, pietistic prayer-vigiling, and an obsessive quest to find Somebody Else to blame/castigate over their Dear Leaderā€™s health crisis. After all, it really isnā€™t ā€œbad newsā€ as long as a Democrat/liberal can be raked over for itā€¦..

(my guess would be something like Fox or OAN dredging up some asshole blogger with 20 followers somewhere gloating over Trumpā€™s stroke with ā€œrutabagaā€ ā€œpumpkinā€ jokes, and having it extensively re-posted as a Horrific Example Of The Callous Viciousness Of The Leftā€¦. With ample commentary, of course)