
Wingnut Fail of the Day: Bill Ayers 'Admits' He Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Schroedinger's Dog3/28/2011 12:22:32 pm PDT

re: #69 Simply Sarah

Well, I’m not sure there would really be grounds for a constitutional challenge to a President doing that. Positions appointed at the discretion of the President, absent any valid laws stating otherwise, are generally just that. Where the idea of religious tests would likely come into play would be if Congress passed a law preventing Muslims from holding certain posts or if the Executive made official policy on it. Just stating you won’t appoint any, while terrible policy and, really, disgusting, is probably allowed.

As far as I’m concerned this puts the lie to the idea that this was founded as a Christian nation. Wouldn’t you think they would have made sure that anyone put into a position of power was a Christian if that was the case. Not to mention that the folks insisting this seem to fall strangely silent when you ask them which of the 3000 different denominations of Christianity will get the nod.