
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/09/2011 6:20:05 am PDT

re: #743 iossarian

Ok, I see what you’re arguing now. Then the question about creationism reporting just becomes a judgement call as well.

Yes. Every story contains tons of judgement calls, from who got interviewed to even doing the story in the first place. And while I think reporters should strive for objectivity about things that are speculative— if they think someone’s motives are bad, that’s pure speculation, not backed up by fact, and interjecting that into the story is bad— they should fact-check claims that are made to them in the course of writing that story.

If someone claims that Oslo is 50% Muslim, and they report that, they should also report that that claim is absolutely false.