
NY Post: Lecture Buyers Not Buying Palin

Dark_Falcon9/30/2009 10:40:11 pm PDT

re: #64 jvic

You people are so very wrong about Sarah Palin.

Yes, Palin is robotic, with a narrow range of expressions and a limited vocabulary. But look at her endurance and be afraid, very afraid.

It’s because of Moore’s Law and stuff.

Sarah is just the prototype of a line of androids designed to wisely govern humanity. Today you laugh at her; in five years you will defer to her unquestioningly; in ten, you will worship her.

I, for one, welcome our future android overladies.

With all those guns and knowledge of how to gut something, I doubt she’s a command model. My guess is that she’s a TX series Terminator. And her next kill may be the GOP’s 2012 presidential chances.