
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/09/2011 6:28:36 am PDT

re: #751

There are ways to find and present factual information; and a reporter who isn’t lazy will do it. What people find aggravating is when a reporter assumes people have the same knowledge/education he has, and makes an assertion without attributing it to other sources where the person can go to find additional information if they wish to.

I absolutely agree with that, that a reporter should cite good sources for their claims beyond a certain level. I mean, not for citing that, say, Pittsburgh has not been taken over by man-eating rats, but more grey-area stuff.

My main point is that reporting on ‘both’ sides of an issue is a false, not a real, objectivity. A reporter’s job is to figure out the truth and report that. It goes far beyond simply repeating what two sides of a debate says, but also analyzing the claims made by those sides and whether or not they’re well-supported.

I (sort of) wish I could stay. I’ve reserved the day today to catch up on a project that I’m woefully behind on.

Good luck. We need an extra weekend to finish off our apartment, here.