
Bachmann Calls for Religious War Against Islam: "Kill, Kill, Kill"

Blind Frog Belly White9/26/2014 11:16:34 am PDT

re: #56 HappyWarrior

That’s because Reagan made them feel better about their pathetic ideology because he was one of the only people who could disguise the bullshit that it really was from the American people. If Reagan was an electoral loser like McCain or Romney, he’d be a RINO but because Reagan was a dishonest electoral landslide winner, he gets a pass for being a total fraud on the same things they accuse Obama of being weak for.

IMO, it’s more that Reagan talked a more Conservative game than he actually played. They LOVED that ‘Ashheap of history’ stuff, but in reality many Conservatives were really mad at him for negotiating with Gorbachev, and were afraid he’d give far too much away. And for all his bitching about Socialism, he was instrumental in SAVING Social Security, raising taxes and putting the EITC in place to compensate for the inherently regressive nature of FICA taxes. And for all his Ruggedly Independent Western persona, he supported and lobbied for both the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons ban.

But most of today’s Conservatives not only DON’T remember that, I think they are constitutionally incapable of retaining memories of those facts even if you PROVE they’re true. Seriously, I think they simply forget everything but the Zombie Reagan mythos.