
Video: Stormy Daniels Details Encounter With Trump: Her Publicist Told Her "It'll Make a Great Story" - UPDATE: Trump Said "You Remind Me of My Daughter"

No Malarkey!5/07/2024 11:41:28 am PDT

re: #19 lawhawk

So, when you take Daniels’ testimony, you get a power imbalance, and Trump moving on her the way he explicitly describes in Access Hollywood video. The guy is a creep, and she found herself in a potentially dangerous situation.

Prosecutors walked a fine line around the sexual conduct between two adults, although I’m hesitant to call it consenting adults given the way she now frames the encounter. He would obviously claim that he did nothing wrong (criminally - it was the perfect sexual encounter).

She basically provides enough information to sustain that she knew Trump, and engaged in conduct for which Trump and his minions believed needed to be kept from the public.

Everything else is fluff (no adverse definitions intended).

He raped her, in the manner rape usually happens instead of the stereotypical stranger lurking in the alley. And this is why rape is so hard to prosecute, because she (wisely IMO) acquiesced, rather than risking what he would do if she resisted.