
Romney Slips Up, Reveals Alien Amercia Plot

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/30/2012 4:22:45 pm PDT

The online ABC news feed through Yahoo has a rather negligent story posted this afternoon, by Terry Moran:

Lawmakers, Activists Target ‘Gendercide’ Sex Selection

In the style of activist-filmmaker James O’Keefe, an anti-abortion group has released an undercover video purportedly showing a Planned Parenthood counselor in Texas assisting a woman who says she’s seeking a sex-selection abortion.


At the close of the conversation, when the woman who says she’s pregnant thanks the Planned Parenthood counselor for not “placing judgment” on her choice, the counselor replies cheerily, “Good luck, and I hope that you do get your boy.”

Released Tuesday, the video was made by Live Action, a group headed by Lila Rose, the 23-year-old media darling of the anti-abortion movement. The video is labeled “Part 1? on the group’s website, suggesting there might be more tapes coming, in the style of conservatives O’Keefe and the late publisher-commentator Andrew Breitbart.


Moran could have simply stated that O’keefe “style” is fraudulent, but no, the last thing we can have on a newswire story is calling liars “liars”.