
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Todd Rundgren, 'Soul Brother'

jcm4/28/2009 5:40:59 pm PDT

Charles Johnson: on the meaning of Obama
No not that Charles, another one.

That day I wasn’t watching television that much. I thought we might not know until the next day who the winner was, but I was delightfully surprised that Obama wrapped it up early on Election Day. The electoral vote was overwhelming. It was something we’ve never seen in the history of this country.

What about both Reagan elections?

A culture hero bears the dreams of a culture, the ideals of a culture. He is quite literally there. He cuts across so many areas. In Kenya, they referred to him as “Our Superpower Son.” It also involves the intelligentsia.


That’s what artists should do. That’s what scientists should do. That’s what educators should do. I think we can continue to experience a sea change with an understanding of the wholeness of life and the totality of life and the network of mutuality that we and everything else — not just humans but animals and plants — share. We’re all in a network of mutuality that constitutes our life on this planet.